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Conservation Agriculture - Farmer-Accepted System for Climate Change Adaptation

Today, during a webinar organized by the National Federation of Farmers of Moldova (FNFM), Mihail Rurac, a doctor of Agricultural Science and moderator of the Climate-Smart Agriculture Practices Community, delivered a captivating presentation on "Conservation agriculture - a system accepted by farmers for climate change adaptation." The event was dedicated to small-scale farmers, with a significant presence of female farmers within the FNFM community.

In his speech, Mihail Rurac emphasized the importance of adapting agriculture to climate change: "The phenomenon of climate change has been a subject of debate for over two decades; however, sustained efforts are needed to understand and address the consequences of this global phenomenon. By taking small steps, significant progress can be made towards sustainable agriculture and high-quality production."

The concept of conservation agriculture was presented as a comprehensive and effective measure for adapting agriculture to climate change. It involves the application of agricultural techniques and practices that protect natural resources and the environment. By minimizing mechanical disturbance, maintaining permanent soil cover, diversifying crops, and promoting biodiversity, farmers can achieve sustainable yields even in fluctuating climate conditions.

The event continued with discussions about the efforts and successes of Moldovan farmers in adapting to climate change. Mihail Rurac highlighted the innovative practices farmers use to protect their crops and increase yields. Additionally, he presented the Climate-Smart Agriculture Practices Community as a valuable platform for knowledge and experience exchange among farmers. On an inspirational note, Rurac invited all farmers to join this community, where they can learn and contribute to developing a sustainable agricultural sector.

Farmer Tatiana Ignatiuc, present at the event, spoke about the urgent need for conservation agriculture in the context of climate change: "... as a farmer and participant in this important event, I want to say that avoiding excessive soil tillage, especially during heatwaves, promoting biodiversity, and using water efficiently are the keys to sustainable and productive agriculture. These responsible practices help us protect the environment and achieve quality yields, even amid increasingly severe climate challenges."

During the question and answer session, farmers showed great interest in the presented practices and posed questions about how they could implement these techniques on their own farms.

At the end of the event, Valentin Saşcov, Head of the Extension Department at FNFM, expressed gratitude for the valuable presentation and insights provided by Mihail Rurac in the field of conservation agriculture. He also emphasized the importance of farmers' collaborative efforts in creating a sustainable agricultural future in harmony with the environment.

The webinar was a successful event that highlighted the importance of adopting sustainable practices in agriculture. By involving farmers in this process and facilitating the exchange of knowledge and experiences, significant progress can be made toward climate-smart and sustainable agriculture, capable of coping with increasingly stringent climate challenges.

The event was conducted as part of the project "Integration of adaptation in planning processes in order to reduce vulnerability to climate change at the central and local level in the agricultural sector of the Republic of Moldova", implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, with the financial support of the Green Climate Fund."

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